Legendary Leadership for Founders, Owners, CEOs & Senior Leaders

90 Day Program

Regardless of your legendary status as founder, CEO, CTO, head of product, or CMO, how you lead people has the greatest impact on the whole business.

Who is this program for?

This program is for legends*, founders and senior leaders who want a practical approach to leadership, without all that ‘fluffy stuff’ (okay, maybe just a little bit…).

* Legend, as described by Urban Dictionary, ‘a leader of their field, respected by their peers.’ ‘Someone who is easily noticed for their awesomeness.’

Are you a founder or senior leader who’s ready to become a Legendary Leader?

So, you’ve founded, or are leading, a successful business - maybe one of the 10 per cent or new businesses who got it right. You discovered, created or designed something outstanding that the world needs and wants. You’re a legend in your field and in your area of expertise.

Unfortunately, this doesn’t mean you’re a successful leader of people. It’s like you started a band with your mates, and now you’re conducting an orchestra. It’s not the same. This is one area you might need some help.

Founders say:

I feel stuck in a state of overwhelm, but I don’t want to let go.

I’d rather be doing product development than dealing with the people stuff.

I want to define and design my role to support ‘where to from here’.

This business is growing rapidly, I need to pause and recalibrate.

There’s tension with my co-founder(s) over alignment.

Our culture and brand are drifting and losing focus.

Legendary Leader Roadmap

It often feels there is so much going on with distractions, deadlines and launch dates that it’s hard to step back and assess what’s working and what’s not.

By investing time, energy and effort in developing yourself as a leader in your business, this program will set you on the path to become a Legendary Leader.

What happens if you don’t step up?

In personal terms, it will damage your reputation and status in the community. You will be vulnerable to investors and the board, and you might even be forced to step down.

The business could lose key and specialised talent who are not easily replaced. You will fail to scale, and you won’t be able to secure funding/IPO.

You have a product roadmap, but without a clear ‘Legendary Leader Roadmap’ your business will likely fall victim to you.

Becoming a liability may happen gradually. You might not be aware of it, but to your team, it may feel like death by a thousand cuts.

To prevent this from happening to your business, you must invest in developing yourself as a leader to scale your capability and capacity as you scale your business.

Legendary Leadership for Founders involves creating a Legendary Leader Roadmap:

  • Discover - Together, we’ll identify the roadblocks that are getting in your way

  • Design - We’ll design a Legend List to quickly tackle the hard stuff

  • Deliver - We’ll execute a plan of action and deliver great results for you and for your business

This is a 90-day engagement.

We can extend from there to include workshops and further mentoring with you, your team, and key stakeholders. This work will be in phases to ensure we’re focusing on the right things and making a difference. It will also give us an opportunity to reset and refocus if needed.

Curious to explore your Legendary Leadership capability?

  Want to work with me or learn more about the program?